I’ve had the AT&T iPhone for the last year and I love it for browsing the Internet, texting, & IMing (when it actually gets service). In Arizona there were dead zones in the house that it didn’t even register missed calls. The worst was sitting at lunch with 12 people in Vegas and the only people who could actually talk or text were the ones on Verizon. They had service, while the rest of us watched in envy as our iPhones became iPod Touches before our eyes.
This year, I’ve decided to get a 32 GB iPod Touch and a Virgin Mobile MiFi card to see if I can use this solution for my primary communication.
I received my Virgin Mobile MiFi on Saturday and tested it on Superbowl Sunday. I connected my iPhone, my netbook (HP Mini 1000), my cofounders iPad, and his MacBook. The MiFi just worked after we entered the wifi password into the aforementioned devices. The MiFi gave all of the devices Internet access for about 3.5 hours, it almost lasted to the end of the game and I was a little bit impressed. It was $149 for the Virgin Mobile MiFi card which uses the Sprint network and $40 for unlimited bandwidth. Did I mention there’s no contract? Sweet!!
I just received the iPod Touch in the mail today, I will write or create a video blog of the first 5 apps I downloaded to use it for calls & texting. I will blog about this experiment periodically for the next month.