Last weekend I attended Women 2.0’s startup workshop called Will it Launch at the Microsoft office in San Francisco. The offices were located right off of Market Street which made for an easy commute from Fremont BART to the Powell Street station.
The tagline for the workshop was “Ideas are a dime a dozen, and we know talk is cheap. Execution makes you money. So how do you know which startup idea to focus on for success?” David Weekly, founder and CEO of PBworks and Poornima Vijayashankar, founding engineer for led the workshop. I will do a separate writeup of the workshops key ideas and resources in the next couple of days. Today’s post will really go over how doing improv has a lot of parallels with being an entrepreneur.
Kasey Klemm led the improv workshop on day 1 and one of the first things we did was yell out “I failed!” As we faced our fear of failure and pretty much got it out of the way as quickly as possible, we were able to continue on our journey to being more productive, instead of wracked with fear on what could happen. Including quickly trying to get to know partners to see what we had in common with them, which is the basis of networking, even though the idea of networking for some of us is really intimidating. Since we had very little time to get to know them, we tried to establish common ground very quickly to have something to present after than particular round ended. Kasey closed his improv session by asking people for words of wisdom.
- Don’t be afraid to fail, fail in the beginning so you aren’t afraid of it anymore (yelling “I failed! loudly and with full conviction gets you over fear quickly)
- Network and find common ground with people so you can see how you can help them and how they can help you
- Make your team look good, they in turn will make you look good (statue game)
- Share your wisdom with others
- When pitching use a high status persona, make eye contact, stand confidently, use your space and be confident with your ideas
- Investors want to invest in people who are confident about their ideas
- “When pitching, the goal is not to get through all your slides. You want people to interrupt and ask questions!”–@davemcclure #willitlaunch
- Your entire goal for your pitch is an emotional connection –@davemcclure (once you have that wait to build upon it) #willitlaunch