Recently, I sent my resume to Zynga in San Francisco. They make online games which tie into Facebook or Myspace, a few of their titles are Farmville, Zynga Poker, Vampire Wars, and my favorite Mafia Wars. I had been on Vampire Wars for about 2 minutes previously and quickly lost interest because I didn’t really get it.
I like to understand the product when I apply to a company, so I signed up for Mafia Wars since I’ve seen some of my Facebook friends playing that. I signed up at the beginning of Labor Day weekend and quickly became obsessed with the game. My old morning routine used to be; check calendar, check email, respond to anything urgent, then start getting ready for work. Now, I get up about 15 minutes earlier, just to do as many jobs as the energy counter allows within the game, in addition to my previous morning routine.
While waiting for my energy to re-up to do more crime jobs, I fight other mafias to gain experience points, help out friends with their mafias, and send virtual gifts. Once I’ve exhausted everything I can do in Mafia Wars, I got started on Farmville and Yoville. They aren’t as sticky as Mafia Wars, where I keep wanting to come back so I can do more jobs. With my cousins so involved in Farmville and I stopped killing all my plants this game started to ‘grow’ on me. My obsession with Mafia Wars became ridiculously apparent when I asked one of my co-workers what his strategy was for leveling up in the game. Everyone else at the table then asked what game we were playing and suggested I get into WOW.
I want to apologize to my Facebook friends if I’m spamming you with notifications, I try to undo them when I’m playing.